Whitney Willis

Hometown?Carlsbad, New Mexico

Favorite Part of Class? The beginning- we get to slow down and just breathe .

Favorite Part about teaching? Definitely the people. This community is everything and makes teaching so fun!

What classes/class do you teach?

  • Thursday slow burn vinyasa candle lit 6:30
  • Saturdays hot vinyasa 10 am

Favorite Class to take at BYB? Thursdays 5:30 barre with Megan!

Favorite thing about BYB? Again, hands down the people! This community is vibrant, warm, and unique and it makes teaching so fulfilling .

When not at BYB, where can we find you? I currently work for an orthopedic group in Oklahoma City , but outside of work you can find me on the paddle board with my lab Moses or doing something creative.

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