Cetina Abbott

Hometown? Fremont, California

Favorite Class to teach? 

I love it all but core work is my favorite, a strong core is the foundation to any workout along with everyday activities. Creating an energetic playlist for each class is a must for me… I want each client to not only get a good workout but have some fun as well.


We are still figuring out my schedule, but for now you can find me Tuesdays at noon and subbing when needed.

Favorite Class to take at BYB? 

Love an Elizabeth class- she’s tiny but mighty and the reason I fell in love with barre ten years ago.

Favorite thing about BYB?  I love the variety of instructors and classes we offer. Each provides a unique experience… there is something for everyone here. 

When not at BYB, where can we find you? You will find me cycling and taking various classes around town, hanging out with my 3 incredible children, and hopefully soon in my dream job.

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