Ashley Dawkins

Hometown? Casper, Wyoming 

Fav part of class? I love every part of class, but if I had to pick one it would be GLUTES! 

Classes I teach?

  • Friday 9:30am barre , Saturday 8:30am barre 

Fav class to attend?

  • Sunday barre frenzy at 4pm! 

What is your favorite thing about teaching? I try to make every class completely different. Switching up the music and the exercises makes it fun for both the clients and for me! :) 


When not at BYB, where can we find you? If I’m not at BYB where I am- with my two kids, and as the CMO of KiZE concepts ❤️

What is your favorite thing about BYB? I love the clients, the instructors and the community at BYB. There’s no judgement, no pressure, just a great environment with great people all moving together!

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